Larry’s View

Larry’s view on any and everything.

Emo quiz

The quiz of all emo quizzes is started with the question “Are you emo?” Emo is short for emotional. Initially, it refers to a particular kind of emotionally charged hardcore music that has come to signify for an age group usually young people, who hang out their sorrowful hearts on their tatty sleeves. The emo quiz delves into the multilayered emo marvel, including its music, the fashion, and the lifestyle for everyone to know at long last. It will cogitate on your knowledge on the beginnings of emo music, its style and fashions of this out of the ordinary sub-culture. Emo quizzes chew on the crying we do or don’t, the life we have, do we cut or not, the emo bands we jammed with and the emo clothes we fashion out. Their use is without limit. The emo quizzes tell the world about you and they tell you about the world.

The emo quiz wants to know how emo can we get. If ever, is there an emo or even a little emo in all of us. Or are you an emofreezone? The emo quiz is based on the emo song. It ask about your horn-rimmed glasses, about your one or more pairs of black, shiny, faux leather shoes, about swearing black most of the time, the sweaters and the t-shirts with logo or text on them, do you know the meaning? How about the thick headband you are wearing, the band t-shirts? Emo quiz will ask about the latest emo fashion to hit pay dirt. Quizzes about your hair, long or short with diagonal bangs across one eye, jamming with an emo band, liked it and listen to emo to put you to sleep. Emo music is really evolving. The emo quiz will tell you much about this. Cry your heart out if your answers prove that you are a true-black emo.

Are you goth or emo? Take extra care with your answers because it could prove fatal. Emo kids don’t like goth. And they sure think Goth is different from them emo kids. Because there are many Goths who think they are emo. So you think you are emo, do you cut yourself? Real emos are difficult to appreciate. Only a true emo can recognize the feeling of another emo. The emo quiz will prove if you are true emo or pretending to be one like a dumb poser.


October 29, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | 2 Comments

Emo kids

In today’s culture, the emo genre has created a lasting presence in the modern youth. This trend is known as emo. These youngsters who follow the emo culture are known as emo kids.

Who are the emo kids?

Emo kids are the fans of emotional music better known as emo music. Their idolization of this music genre can be classified as completely care-free of the world, but hold a passion of hatred in high regard. Their anger becomes a passion and they express this passion in personal and emotional gestures. The lyrics commonly show vulnerability and low self-esteem. Emo kids are very emotional, sometimes to the point of being over dramatized

The thinking of emo kids

The perception of the emo kids to their brand of culture is self-expression and the idea of just becoming themselves rather than becoming one with the mainstream fashion and other subjects. Sympathy and pity are some of the most ridiculous factors that constitute to the culture of emo kids and critics may often describe any type of word that seems to ridicule their image. Their way of thinking is vast and they don’t simply dwell unto something that they are really not into. The matter of people to be judgmental to some certain issues about the look of emo kids does not amuse them. The clothing, the fashion, the whole image may be represented by those garments they found on thrift shops, or it could even be from garbage-type dumps that they think is usable for another day. Additionally, the rebellious term is not a question to them but they don’t deliberately annoy people just for the whole concept of being rebellious. If they indeed get rebellious, it is a matter of being someone who believes in what they believe is true and that they are capable of doing it because, for them, it is the right idea or action. And speaking of action, emo kids don’t ever regret their methods on how to deal with that certain subject, they just go for it and looks for other ways to complement their lifestyle with their true nature that comes from their deep emotions and not the ‘ridiculous’ or ‘stupid’ act that most critics throw at them.


Emo kids are those who reject the idea of “pop culture” and jump in the bandwagon of counter-culture and have the concept contrary to that of popular opinion and seek to attain proper understanding. They may look depressed, highlighted hair and dress in contrary to the popular trend, but the matter of self-expression is the matter of how emo kids relate to their lives.


October 29, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | 1 Comment

Emo bands

Emo means indie. Emo is short for emotional. It is a variety of music that dates back to the 1990s hard rock music. But the sound is fundamentally lower and more emotional later adaptation of hardcore. It sort of merged hardcore with more tuneful and new music. The singing part is done in a somewhat moaning way. Its emotional susceptibility is in contrasts to the trouncing and ear-piercing sound of hard rock. Emo bands yesterday and today are proud of the wide-opened highlighting of the difference in the genre. This resulted in the prolonged bad blood between hardcore and emo kids.

Emo bands are exemplified by Fugazi in the early realization of emo music. More came into being like Embrace (Ian MacKaye’s band perhaps before Fugazi) and Rites of Spring (Guy Picciotto’s Band) to name a few. Presently, Emo has produced self anointed mixtures that all ventured to claim the label. Emo bands have sprouted like mushrooms in the band scene. With catchy and clever names, original and with a message screaming like faggots on the run. They can be seen in punky and funky clothing with accessories like those big black rimmed glasses that are such a rage. They could even be naked on the floor with body tattoos to boot.

Emo bands play make music like nobody understood but made you feel different from anyone. To those who patronize them, this is what music is all about. Take the emo band Chemical Romance; kiddies contend it is goth punk. It is cool and the emo bands make the kids think. They feel their songs but the good old emocore bands focused more on emotional release rather than political and social themes. The 1980s was dubbed the “Revolution Summer” out to outshine the “Woodstock” of the 70s. The Rites of Spring emo band then focused on the emotion factor.

But as emo evolved changes can be felt in emo music. The emo bands started using higher chords and a more strong vocal style. But the much touted combination of contrasting loud and soft music force has been retained. Emo bands used the musical force coupled with elaborate guitar work lyrical words emoting fantastic, cool emotive hardcore. This genre of music continues to haunt the band scene today in spite of the claims of some that emo has died. There are still emo bands out there, playing like nobody cares. Perhaps it has died down some, but emo still exists.


October 29, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | Leave a comment

Cricket facts

Had cricket been an epidemic, a third of the population would have got wiped off from the face of the earth. But nevertheless, every season brings forth the cricket fever and we happily succumb into it. But how many of us do realize the trivia that remain associated with this game that we term intrinsic in lack of a better word? Savour the season with a few many weird occurrences that are going to make you laugh (till your sides ache); cry (till you pour out a river) or turn you nostalgic (to the extent of pulling out the yellow-ed picture of W.C. Grace). And these are cricket facts in black and white, quite unlike the colorful game cricket has become of recent.

* October 2000 was sheer bad luck for the Indian team; the team’s prowess nose-dived during their confrontation with Sri Lanka for the One-Day. Just how bad it was? 54 and all-out; it was the Indian teams lowest score ever.

* You must have had heard about England’s John Jameson. The player is an Indian by birth, but also the one who scored his highest test score against India. That was 82 runs, folks!

* You think you know a lot about the cricket test series? Maybe, but do you know that only four of them, till date, ended with a 0-0 and with all the five matches drawn? India played three of them, including the two at a row against the Pakistani team.

* It’s not long ago that Zimbabwe started playing cricket; the biggest proof of the fact is Paul Strang. No other Zimbabwean batsmen could score 100 runs in an innings and take 5 wickets in a test match.

* Remember March 1988? It was New Zealand vs. Sri Lanka. At least five batsmen were sent back to the pavilion while running between the wickets, hoping to score a run.

* Who replaced Steve Waugh even after 87 consecutive One Day International appearances for Australia? None but his twin brother – Mark augh.

* 1986 saw Malcolm Marshall scoring double – not centuries, but breaking Mike Gatting’s nose as well as the stumps. The ball broke the nose first, and then (un) fortunately dropped on the wicket.

* Public demand rules supreme; at least, that’s what was proved when England played the first ODI match at Chandigarh. The 25, 000 spectators didn’t even consider the violent thunderstorm and a 15-overs game followed.

Who says cricket is a gentleman’s game? Had it been, such twists would have remained absent.


October 29, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | 1 Comment

Test cricket

Test cricket is cricket at its most archaic form – the longest and the most charming of its other counterparts. Test cricket is regarded as the ultimate test of cricketing nations and is vastly different in its overall ambience compared to the new One-Day International cricket and Twenty20 which now has more number of followers. The name “Test” came from the same belief i.e. a “test of strength” between rivals and had been used first to when the English came to tour Australia in 1861-62. Those matches do not comply the modern test match criteria; however, the one that is considered to be the first one officially is the match between England and Australia on the 15th of March 1877, at Melbourne Cricket Ground. The Australians won by 45 runs whereas England won the second one by 4 wickets. The series was 1-1.

Playing test cricket require a step-up in certain skills from normal first-class cricket, the skill levels, though considerable, are tested before the International Cricket Council (ICC) assigns a team the Test status. As of 2007, there are ten national teams that have the Test status, Bangladesh being the last one.

Test cricket is played for a maximum of five days, over three two-hour sessions with a forty-minute and a twenty-minute break for lunch and tea respectively. Upon certain unavoidable circumstances, earlier sessions can be altered. The maximum stretch of this rule can be witnessed in the Timeless Tests, which had no predetermined duration.

Test cricket requires the players to assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of the opponent’s team as well as the conditions of the wicket. A calculated approach is the key to playing test cricket properly. Since the pitches tend to harden with the progress of the game, batting becomes the first preference of every team playing test cricket. Pitches that suit fast bowling make every team eager to bowl first and are particularly a good decision for teams with strong, pace bowlers. A “green” wicket, also, helps boost the erratic bounce of seam bowling.

Now, a story is not a story unless twists stay attached; however weird they might seam, the incidences added the spice to test cricket for us to savor. To those whom test cricket mean the universe, might find a goldmine inside Liam McCann’s “The Sledger’s Handbook” – an entertaining documentation of Test cricket’s humorous history since the days of its inception, it is a wealth of fascinating facts, figures, stories and snippets about the stars and the legends of the test cricketers of yore.


October 29, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | Leave a comment

History of cricket

Although there is not much known about when the game really began, it is said that the game began in the early 16th century in England, in the suburbs of London. The game was played on an international level in the mid 19th century, but the records are available only from 1877 onwards. The game has it’s strongest roots in the commonwealth nations but is now widely popular in the Arab nations as well as a lot of African and European nations and even Canada.

The game was brought from England to the Indian Sub Continent by the English officials who represented the Queen there. These people found patronage in the kings and especially, King Ranjit Singh Ji, who promoted the game in a big way in the country. Similarly, the game was taken to South Africa and Australia.

The game was initially played over a period of 5 days, which came to known as ‘test match’ format of the game. This name was given because it tested a players every ability , even physical and mental to survive in a 5 day long game. This form found patronage only during the early 19th century when there was enough time on people to sit patiently and watch a game over a length of 5 days. Though, it must be mentioned that this form of the game is still played even till today.

The biggest flaw with the test match format of the game uncertainty over the result, because most of the matches resulted in a draw and people could not decide which team was better than the other. This gave birth to the format which is known as ‘One Day International’ or ‘ODI’. This format ensured that there was a result no matter what except for a game being washed away due to rain. This version of the game also gave space to the first ever world coup of cricket which was played in England in 1975. This tournament is played between the top cricket playing nations of the world every 4 years. Australia is the only country in history of cricket to have won the trophy 4 times and 3 times in a row and are the current champions of this form of the game.

The latest form of Cricket is the ‘Twenty20’. This form of cricket has changed the course of the game making it shorter and far more exciting. This is the latest in the history of cricket and has ensured that the game keeps moving with time. Noone has the time or patience to watch a match for the entire day, but the kind of crowd that turned up at recently concluded, first ever Twenty20 world cup in the history of cricket has shown that shorter version is going to overtake the lengthier competitors.


October 29, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | Leave a comment