Larry’s View

Larry’s view on any and everything.


n case you are unaware of what anime stands for, the word anime is known to be the abbreviation for the word animation. When it comes to the countries that are outside of Japan, the word is known to most popularly refer to the animation that originates in Japan. However, if you travel to the west you will find that the word anime is not always considered as referring to animation but it is known to be considered what is known as a subset of animation.
There is some anime that is drawn by hand however there is also some that is computer assisted animation which has actually became very popular over the years. When it comes to anime, it is just like any other entertainment medium in which the actual story lines are used to actually represent the major genres of the actual fiction. There are many ways that you can watch anime because of the fact that it is broadcasted on television as well as distributed on media that is often known as DVD as well as VHS and it is also included in the video games that are played by adults as well as children. There is some anime that is even produced as motion pictures that are full length. It is known that anime actually draws its influence from what is known as manga as well as light novels and certain other cultures as well.
There have also been some anime storylines that have actually been adapted into what is known as live action films as well as television series. The actual history of anime is known to have begun in the very beginning of the twentieth century, which was the actual time that the Japanese filmmakers were experimenting with the techniques of animation that were at the time being explored in other countries such as France and Germany as well as Russia and the United States as well. The reason that animation really became popular in Japan was because of the fact that it provided what is known as an alternative format when it came to storytelling whereas when compared to the undeveloped industry of live action that was currently being used within Japan.
In the United States as that time the live action industry had a generous budget, whereas the country of Japan had a small market and they also suffered from budgeting problems as well as location and not to mention the restrictions that were placed on the casting.


September 28, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | Leave a comment

Anime music

If you are interested in what anime music video is, it is actually a type of music video that actually consists of clips that are from anime television series, whether it is one or even more than one television series, there are also times that anime music consists of anime clips from movie series as well. The actual term is known to describe the fan made videos that are unofficial. It is also known that the music videos that are official that are not released by musicians however they are released by amateur compositions of fans which are known to actually synchronize the clips with what is known as a particular musical tracks. Considering that information you may want to keep in mind that the music videos are informally released which normally takes part over the web.
It is also known that anime conventions are known to frequently run anime music videos contests as well as anime music video exhibitions as well. While it is known that the anime music videos are known to traditionally use the footage that is actually taken from anime, it is also known that video game footage is also known to be a popular option. There are parallels that can actually drawn between anime videos as well as songvids not to mention the non animated fan made videos that are using footage that is actually from movies as well as television series and other sources as well.
When you are taking the time to learn about anime music videos, it is important that you take the time to learn all of the information that you are interested in learning about. There are going to be times when you are going to run into information that is out of date, when it run into cases like that it is important that you know what to do. The first thing that you should do is take note of what the information is about, if you are getting information about the history of anime music you should be okay when using sites that are outdated because of the fact that the history of something never changes.
However, if you are looking for current information about anime music, you are going to want to make sure that you are able to find information about anime music that is up to date and that is as current as you can get. When you are looking for current information, you are going to want to make sure that you take the time to learn everything there is to know so you are going to want to make sure that all of the information is current.


September 28, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | Leave a comment

How to draw anime

If you are interested in taking the time to draw anime, it is important that you take the time to learn how to draw anime. There are many resources that you can use such as books and the internet, but I am going to take the time to tell you a little about how to draw anime in this article as well. In this article, I would like to take the time to tell you about how to draw anime eyes on a female character because of the fact that the eyes of a female anime character are the most important features in order to create the entire picture or imagine that you are trying to create.
The eyes that are located on the anime style characters are known to be the most expressive part of the anime character’s face and the eyes are the feature that allows each character to be different as well as recognizable as well. Having said this, it is important that you know that there are many reasons that you should know that the eyes must be drawn correctly so that they are able to portray the portrait of the anime character.
When you are drawing female eyes, it is important that you start drawing the eyes by drawing a basic line that curves upwards, not that the line should be thicker than the rest of the line at the highest point. The highest tip on the line is not a curve it is actually a little angular. You may also want to keep in mind that there are some eyes that are perfectly curved when it comes to the highest point as well, so the way that you draw the line really determines how you want the eyes to look. After you have successfully created this line, you are going to want to take the time to draw the lower part of the eye. In order to make sure that you are able to place the lower part of the eye in the correct place, you are going to want to take the time to draw diagonal lines that actually point downward that start at the edge of the top of the eye. These lines consist of a steepness of the actual slope that will actually determine how large you want the eyes to be as well as how wide you want the eyes to be.


September 28, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | Leave a comment

Christian anime

If you are interested in Christian Anime, there is a ton of different places that you can find information regarding the topic of Christian anime. However, in this article, I would like to take the time to tell you about the information that I learned about Christian anime on the internet. Keep in mind that when you are reading this article, that there are many sources on the internet in which you are able to learn information about the Christian Anime and also keep in mind that the information that you learn about may be different from the information that I have gotten.
When you ask the question about where you can actually find information about Christian Anime, it is important that you know that at the current time there is really no absolute true Christian Anime because of the fact that anime was made by the country of Japan and in Japan as well as the intents of Japan you will find that the purposes are known to be a pagan nation. When it comes to the prominent religions that are currently in Japan, you will see that they are mainly known as Buddhism as well Shintoism. In all actuality there are less than one percent of the people that are located within the country that actually claim that Christianity is their religion.
There have actually been studies done on Japanese animation that have actually been hired out to actually make children cartoons that are made of Christian groups, one of them is known as Superbook. When you think about the chances of Japan actually taking the steps to make a Christian anime, the chances really are that good at all. There are some chances that are practical but there is still the fact that they are not going to turn something into anime unless they are completely sure that it is going to sell. It is known that anything that relates to Christians doesn’t sell in Japan and this is based on the fact of the knowledge of the makers of the website that I was able to obtain this information from.
Also keep in mind that there are some chances that you may be tempted to actually believe that anime has Christianity in it because of the fact that the Japanese have no actual problem when it comes to writing in Christian elements in their individual stories.


September 28, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | 4 Comments

Naruto anime

If you are interested in learning about Naruto anime, then this is the perfect article for you because I am going to take the time to tell you everything that you need to know about Naruto Anime. Naruto anime is actually above average and is a well done anime that actually is known to follow the story about Uzumaki Naruto who is a boy that is actually trodden upon in the village that he calls home. This village that he calls home is actually a village that is strongly dedicated to the actual arts of Ninjutsu and there are a bunch of ninjas that are known to have emerged from it as well.
Naruto was born as well as infused with what was known as a demon that was a nine tailed fox and because of this he was known to be hated with a certain passion by that villagers that were located in his village, there were even young children that were able to pick up on the hate that their parents had toward Naruto that even began to hate him as well. Naruto on the other hand was lonely and sad during this time in his life and the pain that he had wasn’t normal by any means. Naruto wanted to be acknowledged as well as pledged based on the fact that he was able to become hokage which was a title that was used to refer to the strongest ninja that was located in this country.
However, whether or not Naruto knew it, he had a very long way to go if he wanted to be acknowledged and pledged. During this time Naruto would meet a bunch of different people that he would refer to as friends when it came to the world of ninjas but this was in a place where the allegiances were to shift as quickly as lightning could strike. If you are a fan of the Naruto anime, you can learn tons of information about it on the internet and if you are not aware on how to use the internet, all you have to do is follow the simple steps that I have listed below. All you have to do is get online and type in Naruto anime in the search box. It will be during this time that you can browse through until you are able to find the information that you are looking for.


September 28, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | 1 Comment

Deleted youtube videos

As you know there are certain steps that you can take in order to be able to see the different YouTube videos. You can save them to your computer or you can save them to your profile, it all depends on what you want to do with them in the long run. However, there are a couple of things that you need to be aware of when you are saving and deleting these files from your computer. In this article I would like to tell you a little about the deleted YouTube videos. If you accidentally delete a video that you wanted to keep you shouldn’t become worried because there is the chance that the video that you have deleted is still there because of the fact that just because you have deleted it doesn’t mean that it is no longer there. It can still be there physically. That is another thing that you are going to want to keep in mind as well when you are deleting something that you want to erase off of your computer because if you don’t make sure that the video is completed deleted, there is still the chance that someone can still pull it up on your computer is they know how to.
When you are using a computer that is not just used by yourself, you want to make sure that you take the time to make sure that all of the videos and things to that effect that you don’t want everyone to see are properly removed. If you are not sure about deleting them completely from your system, all you have to do is ask someone that knows what they are doing and I am sure that they will be more than happy to help. If you do not know anyone that knows how to handle the situation that you are in you can get online and talk to someone in a forum that should be able to help or you can take the time to read the details online about the steps that you need to take in order to completely remove something from your system.
Overall, make sure that you take your time when you are downloading a video and also make sure that you take your time when you are deleting a video as well so that you are able to make sure that you don’t download something that you need.


September 28, 2007 Posted by | Blogroll | Leave a comment